It's A Sunshine-y Day!

I am thrilled and honoured to have been awarded the Sunshine Award from fellow blogger and reader, Denise Fletcher. Denise is an inspiring blogger and writer, and you'll truly enjoy a visit to her site, '', or heck - why not read her book: Quickies Morning Noon and Night. 

The award is 'given to bloggers who are deemed warm, inspirational and positive', symbolized by the happy sunflower. I can definitely understand why Denise has received it! :) So, in the spirit of how this award works, here's the responsibility of those who are acknowledged:

To the award winners, here are the Rules:
1    Put the logo on your blog or within your post
2    Pass the award on to 12 bloggers!
3    Link the nominees within your post
4    Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog
5    Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award

My favourite aspect of the Sunshine Award is the 'pay-it-forward' approach. To be recognized is always appreciated, but recognizing others is even more special. So, here are my 12 winners, in no particular order, of the Sunshine Award:

 Cookin' Canuck
 Ezra Poundcake
 Smitten Kitchen
 More than a Mount Full
 Picky Palate
 Eat with Joe
 Shizuoka Gourmet
 lululu at home
 Natalie's Killer Cuisine
 The Amateur Gourmet
 Playing House

Thanks to the winners for providing a daily serving of inspiration! And, thanks Denise - you have fuelled my hands to keep on typing...and cooking! 


  1. Thanks for the nomination! I should try some of your recipes and eat better.

  2. Thanks so much for the award! Your kind words made my morning. Cheers!!

  3. Saw you on Denise's page. Glad I read your informative and well-written blog. Look forward to following you here. Cheers!

  4. Visiting from Quickies on the Dinner Tables site! What a cute blog. I am now following
    Shamrocks and Shenanigans


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